What is the meaning of the word "table rapping"?
Table rapping remains a topic of interest both for those who believe in the paranormal and for skeptics who seek to explain it through natural or psychological means.
A phenomenon often associated with spiritualist seances and paranormal activities.
- In the 19th century, table rapping was a popular method used by mediums to demonstrate contact with the spirit world.
- In the 19th century, table rapping was a popular method used by mediums to demonstrate contact with the spirit world.
Alleged form of communication with spirits of the dead.
- Some historians suggest that table rapping may have originated from ancient shamanic practices involving the summoning of spirits.
- Some historians suggest that table rapping may have originated from ancient shamanic practices involving the summoning of spirits.
Involves the production of knocking or tapping sounds on a table which participants often believe to be communications from spirits.
- The seance attendees listened for the table rapping that would signal a spirit's presence.
- The seance attendees listened for the table rapping that would signal a spirit's presence.
The sounds of knocking or tapping made without any apparent physical agency while a group of people sit around a table, attributed by spiritualists to the spirit of a dead person using this as a means of communication with the living.
- The sounds produced by table rapping can resemble a variety of things, including knocks, bangs, and scratches.
- The sounds produced by table rapping can resemble a variety of things, including knocks, bangs, and scratches.